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  • relative pronouns - something which or something that - English . . .
    2 It is traditionally accepted to use that for a restrictive clause and which for a non-restrictive clause In modern English usage, “that” always introduces a restrictive clause (due to which it is almost never set off by commas) In British English, it is absolutely fine to use “which” in restrictive as well as non-restrictive clauses
  • questions - What something is? vs what is something? - English . . .
    Among these, only question 2, "What is a cup?', is grammatically correct For questions 3 and 4, the correct form is : What is flexibility? (or Define flexibility) In English, the Wh question follow this structure: Wh-word + Verb + Subject Object In contrast, German allows more flexibility in word order
  • Whats the correct usage of something of something and somethings . . .
    Car parts or engine parts are things that can be replaced BUT parts of a car can also be understood as: the engine, the hood, the roof, the chassis, and not something replaceable as in something you can buy at an auto parts' store The parts of a car are not necessarily car parts! This can only be learned through experience
  • subject verb agreement - Is something plural or singular? - English . . .
    Something is a pronoun, which is analogous to "a thing", that is an indefinite pronoun "A an" is the Old English for "one" and one implies singularity Thus, I found a thing that wasn't working I found something that wasn't working are the same in meaning, but 'something' is the commonly used version
  • Whats the difference between something and some thing?
    2 Most of the time, there is no difference "Some thing" is much much less common than "something", however, so the only reason to write it as two separate words is to emphasize the "some" part (in contrast to "any" or "no" thing): I want to get her some thing for Valentines Day, but not just anything It has to be something she would like
  • What are some words that mean Something is off?
    Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers
  • pronouns - A little something something? - English Language Learners . . .
    This is about something as in " something something " and what I perceive to be variations thereof : (1) [word] something something [word] (2) [word] somethin' somethin' [word] (3) A little something something (4) A little somethin' somethin' (5) A little something Of course it's about something that is not known
  • Provide information on, of or about something?
    @user2758804 I think the accepted answer is basically good, with the exception of "information of something", which is not correct for the reasons in the comment there There's definitely an opportunity for someone to provide a better answer here, I just don't have time at the moment and wanted to at least give you something to work with
  • Need to do something versus need doing something
    The OALD shows that need can be used as "need to do something" and as "need doing something " The examples shown by the dictionary are, among others, the following ones: He needs to win this game to stay in the match This shirt needs to be washed This shirt needs washing
  • grammar - to do something vs. to be doing something - English . . .
    In your first sentence, I suggest you Insert the word "to" before "begin " In other words, "This is a really big moment for us and for the team, to finally announce this game and finally to begin to allow the community to connect with us " While you're at it, you might as well undo the "split infinitive" and go with "finally to announce

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