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Company News:
  • China’s Belt and Road Initiative turns 10. Here’s what to know
    The BRI is a massive infrastructure project that aims to connect multiple continents across land and sea Learn about its history, components, achievements, challenges and greening efforts
  • China’s $900 billion New Silk Road. What you need to know
    Learn about the $900 billion initiative to revive the ancient trade route between China and the West, and its economic, geopolitical and environmental implications Find out which countries stand to gain or lose from China's new global connectivity strategy
  • The challenges and opportunities of Chinas new Silk Road
    The original Silk Road, established more than 2,000 years ago, was a critical network of trade routes that promoted economic, political, and cultural exchange among Asia, Africa, and Europe
  • Why is China building a New Silk Road? | World Economic Forum
    China is reviving the historic Silk Road trade route that runs between its own borders and Europe Announced in 2013 by President Xi Jinping, the idea is that two new trade corridors – one overland, the other by sea – will connect the country with its neighbours in the west: Central Asia, the Middle East and Europe
  • China is building a new Silk Road, and this one is digital
    The Silk Road calls to mind an image of the distant past, where traders traversed the vast expanse of Eurasia in pursuit of silk, spices and various other commodities Today, China is attempting to revive these once forgotten routes as part of Xi Jinping’s signature Belt and Road Initiative (一带一路倡议: BRI)
  • Three ways China can make the New Silk Road sustainable
    The emergence of China as an economic and political power in the past decade has made waves in the ocean of geo-economics and geopolitics, especially with the country’s “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI), a recent ambitious infrastructure project along the ancient land and maritime Silk Road routes Through the BRI, China aims to strengthen
  • This is Chinas silk road - on water - The World Economic Forum
    But there is another side to this tale, and it is one which the Chinese government acknowledges with its huge One Belt One Road (OBOR) transcontinental infrastructure project to link East Asia to the Middle East and Europe Simply put, the story of the silk road, ancient or modern, is as much the story of the sea as the dunes
  • A brief history of globalization | World Economic Forum
    Learn how trade started to become global with the ancient Silk Road and the spice routes, and how it evolved through the Age of Discovery and the Industrial Revolution Explore the major phases and trends of globalization and its impact on the world economy and society
  • Could a Digital Silk Road solve the Belt and Roads sustainability . . .
    Finally, the Digital Silk Road is critically important for a sustainable global economy because it helps to address one of the most fundamental challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: providing basic internet access for more than 3 billion people, roughly half the world’s population, who still have no internet connectivity While the
  • 5 things to know about the New Silk Road | World Economic Forum
    The new Silk Road is sure to expand it further, and in the long term, all parties stand to gain, as postulated by basic economic theory In the short term, however, some industries will be affected more than others, and it would be safe to assume that the long-term gains as well as short-term pains will be uneven among the EU’s 28 countries

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