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Company News:
  • SGI Australia - Nichiren Buddhism Soka Gakkai International
    Nichiren Buddhism SGI Soka Gakkai, literally translates as “value creation society” Members of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) throughout the world strive to reveal the life state of Buddhahood or enlightenment and enact the creative and compassionate potential in life
  • Online Shop - SGI Australia
    A Lifelong Quest For Peace Along the fast-paced course of this dialogue emerges a broad yet sensitive glimpse of two men—one a specialist in chemistry a scientist, the other a Buddhist—both strongly committed to peace and disarmament as fundamental human rights
  • Yearly Indigo Magazine Subscription - Online Shop - SGI . . . - SGI Australia
    The Indigo magazine is the organ publication of SGI Australia It contains inspiring guidances and lectures from SGI President Daisaku Ikeda, personal experiences of human revolution by SGI Australia members and Nichiren Daishonin study fundamentals
  • Donations - SGI Australia
    We sincerely appreciate all of your efforts to support the SGI Australia movement for peace in Australia Please make sure that all required fields including the contribution amount have been entered correctly
  • Resources - SGI Australia
    We study together in order to share the profound and humanistic philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism Inspiring in each other the confidence to create a purposeful life, study is an engaged activity through which we continuously deepen our understanding of and appreciation for our life and life itself
  • About Us - SGI Australia
    In 1975, in response to the needs of an increasingly international membership, the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) was founded Today it is a worldwide network with 82 registered constituent organizations and members in 192 countries and territories, sharing a common vision of a better world
  • Contact Us - SGI Australia
    Connecting to SGIA For new arrivals to Australia, interstate relocations or introduction of friends, please email admin@sgiaust org au with the full name of each person, a contact phone number, the suburb of residence, postcode and period of stay in Australia
  • Study Courses - SGI Australia
    Study Courses The Basics of Buddhism study course is made up of 7 sessions to be discussed in one group meeting a month between the months of April and October Please use the links below to download the study material (pdf) 2018
  • Discussion Meetings - SGI Australia
    Discussion Meetings Inspired by President Ikeda’s example, the small group meetings are the foundation of the peace movement of SGI Australia They are found in local areas and held in people’s homes
  • Frequently Asked Questions - SGI Australia
    Frequently Asked Questions What do SGI members do? SGI members integrate Buddhist practice into the daily rhythm of their lives They aim to develop and strengthen their lives through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and by studying the teachings of Buddhism

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