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MENDE 48000 - FR-France

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Company Address: 14 Bd Henri Bourrillon,MENDE 48000 - FR,,France 
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  • sélo [ selo ] | WordReference Forums
    México español Jan 24, 2011 #2 El imperativo de ser es sé Sí es correcto, aunque ahora se prefiere escribir selo por ser palabra grave terminada en vocal J
  • házselo o hácelo - WordReference Forums
    Creo que "házselo" pero no estoy seguro Gracias en adelante Este foro no tiene precio hello the two forms are: 1- házselo is you are using tuteo, 2- hacéselo if you are using voseo, you can choose either hácelo is incorrect, but hacelo (voseo) - (the other form is hazlo tuteo) is correct : )
  • camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente
    Colombia, Spanish Jun 12, 2007 #9 Literally, "camaron que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente" would go along the lines of "the current takes the prawn that falls asleep " So that should answer your question about who takes whom along I'm afraid that this is all I can help you with
  • démosselo o démoselo | WordReference Forums
    Feb 9, 2009 #1 Hola, No soy muy adepta con el Diccionario de Dudas y no pude encontrar la forma correcta de deletrear un mandato que termina con "s" y seguido por "se" Puesto que no hay doble "s" en otras palabras en español, me supongo que la ortografía correcta es la con una sola "s" pero estaría agradecida si alguien que sepa con
  • Introduce me to him - WordReference Forums
    Greek Sep 4, 2013 #1 Hi guys! My question is about the phrase "Introduce me to him" and a little bit about the grammer behind it I know "Introduce him to me" is presenta melo By the rules of Imperative + Objects we first use the "Imperative" then we add the "Indirect Object" and then the "Direct Object" Like in "Damelo = Give it to me"
  • Yo se los doy Yo se lo doy | WordReference Forums
    Yo doy el carro a ellos If I wish to rewrite this sentence using only pronouns, what seems to me the logical answer is "Yo se lo doy" with "a ellos" being replaced by "se" and "el carro" being replaced by "lo" because it is a singular, masculine noun However my tutor insisted that I should use "Yo se los doy" even though I had made it very
  • Mandaselo - WordReference Forums
    Can't find this word in the online dictionary - Mandaselo As I learn, am thinking it's a combination of the root verb Mandar (to promise) and something else Original sentence: Mandaselo a mujeres inteligentes, capaces de entender esto y que tengan buen sentido del humor, Y a todos los hombres que conozcas, para que sepan lo que tienen que ser
  • Legarsela al dito - WordReference Forums
    Mar 18, 2016 #8 Pietruzzo said: As you probably know "legarsela al dito" literally means tying a knot with a string around your finger to remember something important So the metaphor means that you won't forget (nor forgive) an offence You generally use this expression talking about something that has been mentioned previously so you don't
  • amigo el ratón del queso (dicho) | WordReference Forums
    Feb 27, 2010 #5 NUEVA PREGUNTA "Amigo, el ratón del queso" Es decir: no hay amigos verdaderos, no se puede confiar en nadie How can I say this expression in English? In Spanish you use this expression when you want to say that there are no friends, you can't trust anybody
  • sufijo -selo en Pretérito indefinido - WordReference Forums
    Español (Colombia) Feb 21, 2008 #6 Mucho OJO: " -selo " no es ningún sufijo, son dos pronombres clíticos, de los que "se pegan" o permanecen junto a un vocablo Te usan así cuando van "pegados" al infinitivo, al gerundio, como bien ha dicho Ynez, pero también al imperativo:

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