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92406 - COURBEVOIE - FR-France

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Company Address: 19 RUE DE CHARTRES BP 167,92406 - COURBEVOIE - FR,,France 
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  • women - What is the truth behind the practice of Sati? How is it . . .
    sati is not against shastras, it is also not compulsory Just like doing a yagam if you don't do it, no consequence, but if you do it, great rewards the greatest chastity for a woman is to be devoted to her husband, and husband alone if she does not want to live on earth without her husband, then she can enter the funeral pyre voluntarily and attain great worlds for herself and husband
  • women - Which Hindu scriptures discuss the Sati practice? - Hinduism . . .
    I will provide verses from scriptures which discuss Sati practice: Parasara Smriti 4 32 If a woman follows her departed lord, by burning herself on the same funeral pyre, she will dwell in heaven for as many years as there are hairs on the human frame, — which reach the number of three crores and a half
  • Is any variant of Sati prescribed for men in scriptures?
    But, this question is only regarding the practice of Sati in scriptures If husband of a women dies, then she has multiple options: Sati, begetting children through niyoga, marrying husband's brother dharma are three among them Along with the three mentioned, she can also spend the time at her own will like Satyavati, Satyabhama (as
  • What is the difference between Sati and Jauhar?
    1 Sati was a tradition where a widow gave up her body in the fire after death of her husband Jauhar is a willing offering of oneself in fire because the invaders used to kidnap the women and used to abuse and treat as slaves, hence they gave up their lives instead of surrendering to demonic invaders – Rakesh Joshi
  • Is Sati meeting with Rama a form of time travel?
    From the above we can see that Sati’s timeline coincides with the Rama Leela that occurred in the Swayambhuva Manvantara (or soon after) There was no time travel by Sati to meet Shri Rama in the Ramayana of the current Vaivasvata Manvantara Note: Although the RCM uses the word ‘kalpa’ to denote the many times Bhagavan descended on earth
  • Why did Daksha Prajapathi (father of Sati) hate Lord Shiva?
    Once after the birth of Goddess Sati,Lord Brahma had started to tell bad things about Vedas Lord Shiva was very angry and he had cutted the fifth head of Lord Brahma Prajapati Daksh the father of Sati was very angry on Shiva because he was the son of Lord Brahma After that Daksh had started to hate Shiva – Samrat
  • Wouldnt most of the incarnations of Devi be of Sati, not Parvati?
    Sati again born as Parvati in Shewta Varaha Kalpa (Present Kalpa) and she also had many partial incarnations like daughter of Yashoda, Bhramari Devi etc Thus each incarnation belong to both Sati and Parvati as they are same and they come as cycles of creation
  • kings - Why did Shivaji not ban the Sati custom altogether in his . . .
    The third wife of Shivaji, Putlabai, performed the sati rite upon the funeral pyre of her husband The obsequies were performed by a member of the Bhonsle House, Sabaji Bhonsle of Shingnapur, assisted by Prince Kajaram, the latter being too young to perform all the rites himself
  • Do Vedas support the practice of Satī? - Hinduism Stack Exchange
    So, when looking at Asvalayana Grihya Sutra 4 2 18, it is clear that this verse is not supporting Sati instead opposing it Her brother-in-law, being a representative of her husband, or a pupil (of her husband), or an aged servant, should cause her to rise (from that place) with (the verse), 'Arise, O wife, to the world of life' (Rig-veda X, 18
  • Which Purana mentions about Satis death? - Hinduism Stack Exchange
    6 The story of Prajapati Daksha's daughter, Sati, married Lord Shiva is well known And also that, Daksha organized a great yajna, in which Sati jumped into the sacrificial fire and committed suicide Sati died, but her corpse did not burn Virabhadra was sent by Lord Shiva to decapitate Daksha for being responsible for Sati's death and Shiva

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