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  • Michael - JW. ORG
    Michael is the only one said to be “the archangel,” meaning “chief angel,” or “principal angel ” The term occurs in the Bible only in the singular This seems to imply that there is but one whom God has designated chief, or head, of the angelic host At 1 Thessalonians 4:16 the voice of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ is
  • The Archangel Michael—Who Is He? - JW. ORG
    The Bible’s answer Michael, referred to by some religions as “Saint Michael,” is evidently a name given to Jesus before and after his life on earth a Michael disputed with Satan after the death of Moses and helped an angel deliver God’s message to the prophet Daniel (Daniel 10:13, 21; Jude 9) Michael lives up to the meaning of his
  • Kto je archanjel Michael? Ježiš? | Čo učí Biblia? - JW. ORG
    Tento biblický verš teda naznačuje, že archanjel Michael je sám Ježiš Veliteľ vojska Biblia hovorí, že ‚Michael a jeho anjeli bojovali s drakom a jeho anjelmi‘ (Zjavenie 12:7) Z toho vyplýva, že Michael je Vodcom vojska verných anjelov Ako Vodcu vojska verných anjelov Zjavenie opisuje aj Ježiša (Zjavenie 19:14–16) A
  • The Truth About Angels - JW. ORG
    The archangel, Michael, is the chief angel in terms of power and authority The Scriptures clearly indicate that Michael is another name for Jesus Christ —1 Thessalonians 4:16; Jude 9 Seraphs rank very high among the angels in privileges and honor, and they are in attendance around God’s throne —Isaiah 6:1-3
  • Archangel - JW. ORG
    Archangel The prefix “arch,” meaning “chief” or “principal,” implies that there is only one archangel, the chief angel; in the Scriptures, “archangel” is never found in the plural First Thessalonians 4:16, in speaking of the preeminence of the archangel and the authority of his office, does so in reference to the resurrected
  • Insight on the Scriptures - JW. ORG
    Activities Experiences Around the World Donations(opens new window) CLOSE Library Books Brochures Insight on the Scriptures Search Enter or select an itemWhat This Publication ContainsExamples of Helpful FeaturesMap IndexAbbreviations Used in This PublicationSubject IndexScripture
  • Kdo je archanděl Michael? - JW. ORG
    Michael je „archanděl“ (Juda 9) Titul archanděl, který znamená „hlavní anděl“, se objevuje pouze ve dvou biblických verších V obou případech je toto slovo v jednotném čísle, což naznačuje, že tento titul patří pouze jednomu andělovi Jeden ze zmíněných veršů uvádí, že vzkříšený Ježíš „sestoupí z
  • Rebellion in the Spirit Realm, Also Called Heaven - JW. ORG
    In the early part of our century, there was a war in heaven The Bible book of Revelation describes what happened: “And war broke out in heaven: Michael [the resurrected Jesus Christ] and his [good] angels battled with the dragon [Satan], and the dragon and its [bad] angels battled but it did not prevail, neither was a place found for them any longer in heaven
  • Kto je to archanjel Michael? - JW. ORG
    Michael je archanjel (Júda 9) Titul „archanjel“ znamená „ hlavný anjel“ a v Biblii sa nachádza len v dvoch veršoch V oboch prípadoch je toto slovo použité v jednotnom čísle To naznačuje, že tento titul nepatrí viacerým anjelom V jednom z týchto veršov sa píše, že vzkriesený Pán Ježiš „zostúpi z neba s
  • The Four Horsemen —Who Are They? - JW. ORG
    Because at that time, Jesus began ruling in heaven, not on earth War then broke out in heaven, and the newly installed King, Jesus, referred to as Michael, cast Satan and his demons to the earth (Revelation 12:7-9, 12) Confined here, Satan has been full of rage ever since, knowing that his days are numbered Indeed, it will not be long before

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