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  • expressions - What is the origin of Just Kidding? - English Language . . .
    Kid is also slang for a child So: "kidding me" could have come from "being childish with someone" or "Lying to someone" or "Childishly joking with someone" in a sense -Look! There's an elephant right behind you! - person turns around -Just kidding! Share Improve this answer
  • What is the origin of “Psych!”? - English Language Usage Stack . . .
    6 The earliest description of"Psych!" as a slang interjection or exclamation that I've found is from Robert Chapman, New Dictionary of American Slang (1986): psych 5 interj chiefly teenagers An exclamation uttered when one has fooled or deceived another, meaning "I'm only kidding"
  • . . just kidding. - English Language Usage Stack Exchange
    0 What's a subtle way of saying 'I'm just kidding' in the same way that a wink cues others to ignore what you just said because it was either a poor joke or just of no importance Please take our Tour, and then hover your mouse pointer over that ‘‘ [question-tags]’’ tag to see what it means A wink works for that too
  • A word that means a pseudo joke that has underlying meaning
    In this example Carter made a joke, but did not add the just-kidding clause However, the important point here is that the joke has the underlying meaning--he wants a raise Background This phenomenon is the reason behind the phrase: There's a grain of truth in every joke Many articles talk about this, but I haven't come across a word for this
  • difference between Im teasing and Im kidding
    2 "Kidding" involves a lie or lies whereas "teasing" does not necessarily do so and can be based on a distortion of reality such as exaggeration or particular biases that can be found in it or given to it However, whether a bout of kidding or of teasing it can always be ended by "[I'm we are they are] [just only] joking "
  • No kidding and not kidding - English Language Usage Stack Exchange
    ``No kidding '' >like a teachers is teaching in a class, and ordering the student That no kidding in a class While in the second situation 'Not kidding'' Ram explained to Rama that is not kidding (means he just explaining the situation,)
  • Exact meaning of You must be kidding? - English Language Usage . . .
    9 You use "You must be kidding" in any situation where you might say "I'm surprised that you just said that " I should say that this phrase is usually used with a NEGATIVE surprise, but not always In any case, it's very informal A: I've become a scientologist B: You must be kidding!
  • difference between engage with someone and engage someone?
    Yes, but Nathan obviously sees both forms as having the proactively interact sense anyway And I must just say that even in "engage [with] the audience", I see the preposition as shifting the meaning
  • What does “pregnant pause” mean? - English Language Usage Stack . . .
    0 A pregnant pause is one that takes on the characteristic of being anticipatory, but inscrutable, to the observer, whether by design or not, of the pause maker In the sense that pregnancy is an anticipated but uncertain revelation in the making, a pregnant pause is an anticipated but uncertain utterance in the making Share
  • verbs - Proper usage of the word thunk - English Language Usage . . .
    Just kidding It's a good question Allow for a generalized answer Personally, as one who appreciates dimension, I favor the use of colorful language, or at least within a context which grants of a certain license Certainly not all do

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