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ESIFA / CCS / Eric Groise

Company News:
  • Primer: Employer-Sponsored Insurance - AAF
    Executive Summary Employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) is the largest source of health coverage in the United States, covering the majority of the non-elderly population, and two-thirds of enrollees are satisfied with their coverage Though ESI is often thought of as a single concept, it is actually a heterogeneous market with significant variations in terms of health […]
  • The Value of Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: A Summary
    In total, ESI generates around $1 5 trillion annually in social value beyond what workers, employers, and taxpayers pay for it, or nearly $10,000 per insured individual Introduction Employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) is the most common source of health insurance in the United States, covering around 156 million Americans in 2021
  • The Apple of My ESI - AAF
    First, why encourage small businesses to offer employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) instead of, say, pushing individuals toward the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace? As my insight notes , even with the enhanced advanced premium tax credits (APTCs), only when an individual made less than 242 percent of the federal poverty level in 2022 do ACA
  • How Many Are Newly Insured as a Result of the ACA? - AAF
    While some have gained employer-sponsored insurance (ESI), as many as 5 9 million may have lost ESI because of the ACA Medicaid Expansion More than 14 5 million are newly enrolled in Medicaid , and AAF estimates that 9 6 million of these individuals are newly eligible as a result of the Medicaid expansion provision, which has been implemented
  • The Value of Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: A Summary
    Employees value ESI at 75–84 percent more than employers and employees together pay for it, generating an annual private value of at least $800 billion Further, after accounting for the tax subsidy, ESI provides an annual net economic benefit to society of at least $600 billion by reducing fiscal pressures on subsidized insurance programs
  • The Future of Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance - AAF
    Employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) has long been the most common source of health coverage in the United States and provides flexible, high-quality coverage for workers at a better value for taxpayers and the federal government than public alternatives In 2021, 58 percent of all non-elderly Americans received health insurance through their
  • Lowering the Medicare Age to 60: Cost and Coverage Outcomes
    Based on H E estimates, however, a straightforward expansion of Medicare down to age 60 would result in a substantial increase in federal spending—between $380 billion and a $1 8 trillion over 10 years or between $9,756 to $57,912 per newly covered individual, depending on year and share of the ESI population enrolled in the expansion
  • A Fresh Take on Employer-Sponsored Insurance - AAF
    Employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) is the most common source of health insurance in the United States, covering around 156 million Americans in 2021 But ESI is different things to different people To real, average Americans (not that Eakinomics knows any…), ESI is an accepted part of the health and labor market landscape and a desirable employment benefit (“Does […]
  • H. R. 1425: “Enhancing” the Affordable Care Act - AAF
    H R 1425 clarifies that, beginning in 2022, family members who are not eligible for affordable ESI coverage, even if one member of the household receives it, will be eligible for subsidies through the exchange Funding for States: H R 1425 would provide $10 billion annually in perpetuity for states to use to either establish individual market
  • Five Years After Passage: The ACA by the Numbers - AAF
    Further, exchange plans typically have higher deductibles ($2,910 in 2014 compared with $1,217 for ESI), co-insurance rates (20 percent compared with 19 percent), and caps on out-of-pocket expenses ($5,730 compared with $3,011), meaning a person with coverage through the exchange will be liable for more out-of-pocket expenses than an individual

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