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Casalecchio di Reno BO 40033 - IT-Italy

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Company Address: Via Magnanelli 6/3,Casalecchio di Reno BO 40033 - IT,,Italy 
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Company News:
  • Home Page | Cineca
    Cineca è un Consorzio Interuniversitario al servizio del sistema accademico, dell'istruzione e della ricerca nazionale: è il maggiore centro di calcolo in Italia, uno dei più importanti a livello mondiale
  • HPC Cineca
    CINECA’s influence and contributions continue to shape the landscape of scientific computing and research in Italy and beyond
  • Cineca today
    ABOUT US Cineca today Cineca stands as one of Italy's largest computing centers and is globally recognized for its leadership in High Performance Computing (HPC) Simultaneously, Cineca serves as a crucial provider of solutions and services for universities, research centers, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of University and Research
  • Our history - Cineca
    Today, Cineca stands as a cornerstone of the national academic system, serving as the technological hub connecting universities with the Ministry of University and Research With nearly 50 years of experience , Cineca has evolved into a pivotal player within the public sector
  • CINECA - LinkedIn
    CINECA is a not-for-profit Consortium, made up of 70 Italian universities, over 50 Research and public Institutions, the Italian Ministry of Education and Merit, and the Italian Ministry of
  • About us - HPC Cineca
    CINECA enables world-class scientific research by operating and supporting leading-edge supercomputing technologies and managing a state-of-the-art and effective environment for the different scientific communities
  • ISCRA Projects - HPC Cineca
    CINECA, through the Italian SuperComputing Resource Allocation – ISCRA, releases Call for Proposals CINECA, the Italian most powerful HPC center, twice a year will directly award in excess of 100 millions core hours, to ensure an adequate supply to scientists and engineers for HPC-related research CINECA infrastructure offers different HPC
  • High Performance Computing and Computer Graphics - Cineca
    CINECA offers every year a comprehensive teaching program in the field of Scientific Computing, to provide support to scientists who need advanced training in order to stay at the forefront of their research
  • Home | Leonardo Pre-exascale Supercomputer
    The European supercomputer Leonardo, hosted and managed by Cineca, installed in 2022 in the new data center located in the Technopole of Bologna, is one of the three pre-exascale systems announced by EuroHPC Joint Undertaking
  • Leonardo HPC System - Leonardo Pre-exascale Supercomputer
    The European supercomputer Leonardo, hosted and managed by Cineca, will be one of the most powerful supercomputer in the world Come and find out more

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