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  • List of all department numbers? : r HomeDepot - Reddit
    r HomeDepot r HomeDepot Hangout for Home Depot associates No affiliation with The Home Depot Inc This is not a customer service subreddit for issues with The Home Depot Please contact your store or call 1-800-HOMEDEPOT (1-800-466-3337) with any issues No, we cannot tell you when something will go on sale
  • What’s it like working at Home Depot ? : r HomeDepot - Reddit
    At the Home Depot I work at everyone gets along and jokes with each other, to be fair I’ve only been working there for 2 months now but so far the atmosphere is great and I love working there I’ve been at my store a year so far I’m Order Fulfillment- the only full timer in the department
  • 11% Rebate program is dead : r HomeDepot - Reddit
    Now Home Depot discontinued there 11% rebate Of course I found out about Home Depot No longer doing their 11% rebate after I went out and got real wood baseboards to do the downstairs Well Menards is a little further away but I will have to watch and see when they are giving the 11% discount 1
  • Home Depot Sales Associate : r HomeDepot - Reddit
    The pay is good for a part time job, you can learn some things that will help later in life when you own a home, you get to be physically active walking, climbing ladders, and moving merchandise, and there's the sweet, sweet tuition reimbursement Like any job, your experience will vary based on your immediate supervisor
  • Working at Home Depot? : r HomeDepot - Reddit
    At Home Depot they will reimburse up to $3000 per calendar year (not school year) for full time employees and $1000 per year for part time employees This can go towards any degree offered by any accredited college or university, including online and community college
  • New associate hire confused with orientation : r HomeDepot - Reddit
    Hangout for Home Depot associates No affiliation with The Home Depot Inc This is not a customer service subreddit for issues with The Home Depot Please contact your store or call 1-800-HOMEDEPOT (1-800-466-3337) with any issues No, we cannot tell you when something will go on sale
  • Home depot Hiring Process : r HomeDepot - Reddit
    Hangout for Home Depot associates No affiliation with The Home Depot Inc This is not a customer service subreddit for issues with The Home Depot Please contact your store or call 1-800-HOMEDEPOT (1-800-466-3337) with any issues No, we cannot tell you when something will go on sale
  • How to get free products to review from home depot. : r homeowners - Reddit
    After writing a good amount of reviews for products I purchased at home depot I was invited to join the Home Depot Seeds Program This program allows you to pick (5) products each month to review You get to keep the products that you review This is an invite only program and I made a video that explains the program and how it works

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