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  • Mobility Lab
    Mobility Lab measures and evaluates the effectiveness of Arlington County's TDM programs We collaborate with regional researchers and practitioners to produce innovative and creative technology-focused solutions to transportation issues
  • Mobility Lab | What is Transportation Demand Management
    TDM focuses on understanding how people make their transportation decisions and influencing people’s behavior to use existing infrastructure in more efficient ways, like reducing single occupancy vehicle trips and getting people to use transit, ridesharing, walking, biking, and telework
  • Research - Mobility Lab
    Mobility Lab conducts extensive research on the use and awareness of transportation options in Arlington County, Virginia and around the region Our surveys and studies conducted since 2000 are listed below
  • About Us - Mobility Lab
    Mobility Lab nurtures innovations to a fundamental requirement of human life: transportation It is a place and an internet research entity that communicates best practices in the field of TDM, using research findings to educate and encourage continuous improvement for moving people instead of cars in more healthy, economical, and sustainable ways
  • Mobility Lab | The Transportation Cost-Savings Calculators
    The savings to commuters, society, and government are up to $75,000,000 per year in congestion relief, road construction deferred, noise and air pollution avoided, fuel saved, crashes avoided That means, for every $1 invested in Arlington’s TDM programs, the return on investment is up to $9
  • Mobility Lab | Meet Our Team
    Mobility Lab's team of industry leading researchers and communicators are passionate about pushing the field of Transportation Demand Management forward by sharing their findings while studying the transportation behavior in Arlington County
  • Resources - Mobility Lab
    Browse research data from studies and surveys about travel behavior, transportation, and use of transportation demand management resources that have been conducted by Mobility Lab since 2008 Learn more >
  • Household Travel Survey 2021 - Mobility Lab
    A comprehensive report on household and individual travel behavior and patterns, demographic information, and commute assistance services of those who live in Arlington County, Virginia

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