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  • Incidents | CAL FIRE
    2024 Fire Year Outlook The state of California experienced a hotter than normal June, combined with an excess of fine fuels from unusually wet winter and spring seasons This has resulted in the vegetation being more susceptible to ignition and fire spread than has been observed in previous years
  • California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection | CAL FIRE
    High-severity wildfire is occurring at striking rates in Sierra Nevada forests On top of all-hazard emergency and fire response, CAL FIRE is implementing proven fire-prevention strategies, working to enforce sustainable logging practices, and reforesting woodlands after catastrophic events
  • 2021 Fire Season Incident Archive | CAL FIRE
    The 2021 wildfire season in California experienced an unusually early start amid an ongoing drought and historically low rainfall and reservoir levels In January 2021 alone, 297 fires burned 1,171 acres on nonfederal land, which is almost triple the number of fires and more than 20 times the acreage of the five-year average for January
  • 2020 Fire Season Incident Archive | CAL FIRE
    As of the end of the year, nearly 10,000 fires had burned over 4 2 million acres, more than 4% of the state's roughly 100 million acres of land, making 2020 the largest wildfire season recorded in California's modern history
  • 2022 Fire Season Incident Archive | CAL FIRE
    2022 Fire Year While the number of fires in 2022 was only slightly below the 5-year average, the total acreage burned was well below the 5-year average; less than 400,000 acres burned in 2022 versus the 5-year average of 2,300,000+ acres
  • Caldor Fire | CAL FIRE
    Situation Summary As of 7:00 a m , September 17, 2021, command of the Caldor Fire has been transitioned to a single Incident Management Team - California Interagency Incident Management Team 12, Michael Nobles as Incident Commander
  • Park Fire | CAL FIRE
    Situation Summary There is zero fire activity on the incident The CAL FIRE Butte Unit and Tehama-Glenn Unit will send resources to calls for smoke and heat, in the fire perimeter, as necessary 3D Map View
  • Statistics - CAL FIRE
    Find up-to-date statistics on CA wildfires and CAL FIRE activity We combine state and federal data to track the number of fires and acres burned in California

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